Friday, August 29, 2008

August 29th

Ok so this one will have to be short but I may come back and add later or post another one. Yesterday I got a message that there was an American boy who came over to teach at the brother school right down the road and he is actually living about 2 blocks away from the girls school so we met up last night which was sort of awkward at first obviously. But we went into town and walked around and just chatted about what we are both doing. He has twin sisters at Hopkins and his other sister just graduated from there; he graduate from UVA (didn't play any sports there, just a frat), and he is from New York. So we compared jobs and what we are doing and such. Before this I went to watch Ceri and her netball team play and they decided that I am going to be their "novice player" so I am now on a netball team and will let you know how I feel about that after my first game:-) So anyways, we walked around Monmouth then met Ceri and her friends at a pub in town which was very big and had a nice outside area and was fairly cheap. A pint of Coors Light was only 2.10 which is about 4.40 at home but you don't tip here so it actually ends up being cheaper or about the same as home. So we hung out with her and her friends and such and then I came home at about 11:30-latest I have been out yet! I got my first box I mailed today from home which was basically just some clothes and my Ravens blanket of course but it was very exciting to get mail! I also got my new ATM card but don't have the PIN yet so I am not sure when I can start using it. Found out today they are going to try and set up wireless on my floor so hopefully I can get the password and such for that when I get back Monday evening.
I am going to orientation for English Lacrosse and will meet everyone who is doing what I am doing and are placed elsewhere but it is exciting to meet new people that I'll be able to visit on the weekends after fixture on Saturdays, which is game days basically.
Had our first inset day today which is basically staff meetings and I have a break before our PE department meeting. It is very very weird being on the other side of things and also extremely boring! They did provide drinks before lunch which was a benefit I guess and I have met many new people and heard very cool stories about why they chose to work here and such and of course they enjoy hearing the story of the American girl:-) I also thought it was cute that many of the teachers here have husbands who teach at the boys school which is cool. Also when you ask what their spouses do, they refer to them as their "other half" which I of course think is adorable being the hopeless romantic that I am:-). Rhyan, head of PE, traveled Europe with her husband over holidays, which is what we call break basically, and she went to the island where Mamma Mia was filmed so of course I wanted to know everything about that. She said they took pictures of the house and chapel and everything there so hopefully I can see them one day soon. They have "staff forum" which is when the head mistress and the other board members aren't present and just the chairperson and secretary lead it and they have a board about a week before the meeting where people write things they want to discuss. This is when you can just sense all the tension about things like parking spaces, swimming during lunch hours, and little things like bringing back the old coffee machines. People vote on everything and I just sit there and smile because half the time I have absolutely no idea what they are even talking about. It took about a half hour to realize that "registration" is attendance and that alone was hard enough to understand. But everyone is very very nice and helpful and just wants to make sure I am happy and getting into the swing of things. So that is it so far..I will update some more later or after the orientation this weekend. Wednesday I will get a mobile phone because I am booked til then:-) ha busy busy. Miss you allll!!!!


ps-I guess because of my American accent, one teacher thought I said my name was Dania like "dane-ya" so I just let it slide..I think it's pretty haha

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