Sunday, November 23, 2008

Just a Brief Update on Life

I'm not really sure why I say brief because everyone knows that once I get started, they end up way longer than I originally planned. So my birthday was Friday and that was exciting! The PE Department had a little bday party for me with a cake and some cards and I have a new Wales keychain for my keys now. I went out for my birthday and then yesterday we had lax games but it was in Reading which is near London and the bus got lost so it ended up taking us about 3 hrs to get there and then didn't even get back here until about 7:15pm soo it was a very long day for only about an hour and a half of games. On the way back I was on the bus with the U14, 13, and 12 and they drove me crazy. I might even go as far as saying they make me second guess having kids. I have never been asked so many questions in my life! Miss Provance what time will we be in Newport? What time will we be back at school? Where are we? Can I use the bathroom? Every 10 minutes. And then my favorite..Miss Provance, are we on the Severn Bridge now? I looked at her and said "Well, you may be able to see if you look out the window and see the same view that I have up here." And she sat down haha. I couldn't believe how many questions they could ask and how looooud they could be. Then they were harassing the bus driver about going faster and getting back quicker and where we were and asking what speed he was going and when we'd be back and blah blah blah.
People here told me they do not celebrate birthdays like we do because on November 1st, I was like it's my birthday month!!! And then last Monday..It's my birthday week!!! They were like yeah I think birthdays are bigger in America and I was like well I looove my birthday so I am not how a typical American would react to it being their birthday ha. Thank you everyone for all of the great birthday wishes and cards and gifts:-)
Ali gets here in 15 days! That is so crazy that she will be here in 2 weeks and we are in school that whole week so she will have to guest blog about my life here and let you know what it's like. Funny she will get to meet all the kids. They will be in awe of another American. I still have kids looking at me when I talk and then go "oh my god I looove your accent!" It makes me laugh but I'm flattered of course haha. So she will be here December 8th and then school ends December 12th, we go to London December 13th-16th and then fly out of Heathrow to Baltimore!!! I cannot wait to be home for Christmas and am very sad about missing Thanksgiving but I guess it's all a part of growing up which is what people are telling me and expecting that to make it better- it's not. Well the dinner bell just went off so I better get going. I told Lisa that one day and she said "there's an actual bell?" haha it sounds like a bell for changing classes but it goes off when it's time for a meal which is good because sometimes I lose track of time. I will think of if there is anything else to update you on and maybe add another one tonight. I started reading Twilight today and already love it. Love you all and miss you! See you soon!!


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