Monday, October 6, 2008

Some days you're the bird and some days you're the statue...

Where to start…In about a week, my life is going to start flying by so fast! My mom and grandmother get here, then Lisa, and then I go to Italy and then I get back and it's November! Time is flying and it will only just keep going faster. I have been sick so I haven't had time to write for my blog because I have been going to sleep early whenever possible. I stayed in this weekend and tried to get some sleep and get better. I feel a lot better but we shall see when the morning comes how I'm feeling. Hopefully this is the end of it and I'll feel much better tomorrow. On Saturday we took 3 teams to St. Swithuns for a tournament and unfortunately I forgot my camera because it was such a beautiful school. The buildings were really pretty and they had so much land. The weather held up which was very fortunate because it was supposed to rain all day and it didn't so that was great. It was a little chilly/cold but that is fine to deal with as long as there's no rain! Today it rained until about 4pm and then it got sunny but all the stores in town close at 4 on Sundays so I worked out this morning and then did some intense cleaning of my flat and was very productive while I stayed in today.

Yesterday, the teams did really well. In the afternoon, the first team got second in the second division, second team got first in the third division, and the U15's did well but didn't win anything. The reason the seconds won their division is because I brought them luck…well actually a bird brought them luck by pooping on me so now they said I have to get pooped on every time before they play which I disagreed with completely. So here is the story…

I was standing under this tree that I had been sitting under all day with peoples' stuff and the first aid kit and such and other people came over after the morning games were over and noticed bird poop everywhere. Then we were standing there and someone goes "oh no a bird just pooped on your jacket!" So of course everyone starts laughing hysterically thinking it's so funny and I am screaming to get it off my jacket and I take my jacket off and see it and use a stick to wipe it off-so gross! So then another person goes "umm, it's in your hair too." I didn't believe them but sure enough, they started taking pictures because it was so funny so they all started gathering around looking at it in my hair. Not only was it in my hair, but it was DRY! Dried bird poop in my hair!! One of the girls on the team I was with had gotten hurt earlier in one of the games so we were all huddled around and waiting to see what was wrong with her and it turns out that some of the girls saw the bird poop then which was about 2 hours earlier. They didn't tell me this until I told them I found bird poop in my hair and they go "oh yeah we saw it but Claudia was on the ground so we didn't say anything.." I was like that was like 2 hours ago! Did you just forget?! I have been walking around with bird poop dried in my hair! So then I took my hair out of its ponytail and they started pouring water on it and scrubbing it and I could feel it in my scalp so then I started gagging and it was cold and my hair was soaking wet and they were just wiping away and finally managed to get most of it out. Then they saw it on the hood of my sweatshirt because it had wiped off from my hair and smeared all over the trim of my hood on my sweatshirt. It was everywhere. So then that afternoon the girls won their division and thanked me and I was like yep the sacrifices I make for you guys..haha So I was glad I could provide some entertainment for everyone but seriously, getting pooped on twice?! Who does that happen to? I was so upset and so disgusted and cold with my wet hair. Oh man. So then we were driving back and I guess they cut the wool off all the sheep everywhere the same day because they were all bare and it was rainy and cold and I felt really bad and I was wearing my UGGs and I was like hm well I feel bad because you were shaved to make these and now you are cold and wet. So anyways, I noticed everytime I saw sheep, none of them had fur or wool or whatever it is called on them-how crazy!

I have been a reading machine lately..really into Jodi Picoult and I just found out that Nicholas Sparks released a new one September 30th and I would looove if my mom would bring that for me when she visits :-) hint hint. Ha. I'm not really sure what else there is to talk about…I have become quite the Netball player. I play during lessons whenever there aren't enough girls for even teams. The other teachers are like do you want to play? I'm like yeah sure! And then we also played Rounders the other day. Not really a fan of that because you run even if you miss the ball and you run with your little bat. I missed it and just stood there and they were like go! I was like where? I didn't hit it! Ahhh. Haha it was stressful at first because it takes some getting used to. The weather has been off and on and I am really really hoping that it is good for when my mom, grandmother, and Lisa visit. I will have to keep an eye on the cows around the time when they are coming to make sure they are all standing. Lisa was saying how she saw someone talking to themselves the other day and thought of me because I told her I have gotten in the habit of doing that. If I am walking to town or something I will find myself talking to myself and then realize it's out loud and I'm like oops :-) Sometimes when I'm running and there are only animals around, I will go "baaa" to the sheep, "mooo" to the cows, and "naaaayyy" to the horses whenever I go by just to see if they look up and then I laugh to myself for a good 5 minutes afterwards if I get them to look up at me. Very sad life I live sometimes by myself haha especially when I resort to those things! Since I have been running outside, I see people on the back roads walking their dogs and at least 3 times they have said something to me in Welsh and I just say "yeah!" and smile and wave and run faster so they don't stop to chat because I have absolutely no idea what they are saying. They look really nice when they are saying whatever they have to say but it is complete jibberish to me and I feel bad because I just smile and wave and run faster by them laughing to myself because I have no idea what they say. One time they said something and pointed to the land behind them and I was like what could they possibly be saying and then I started to panic thinking I was trespassing but I wasn't don't worry haha. I was running through this neighborhood one day and an older couple with a little girl, I'm guessing their granddaughter, in the backseat and they pulled over and asked (in English thank God) where some community center was and I just stared at them blankly and was said "I'm from America. I have no idea I'm sorry." And they said oh that's ok not your fault and drove off chuckling to themselves. I was like eventful whenever I step outside :-) I think that's about it for now. I will update you when something incredible happens or something really funny or something traumatic like a bird pooping on me one day.

Miss you all!!!



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