Sunday, January 11, 2009

Oh my, It's January.

Can you believe it?! The last time I wrote was a month ago! I am so sorry to all of my faithful followers:-) So much has happened in one month it is pretty unbelievable. I'm back across the pond and homesick again-it's almost worse this time because I absolutely loved being home when I was there but once July comes I will be back in America for the rest of my life..except for some vacations hopefully. So I am trying to do my best to be optimistic and enjoy the last 6 months that sounds like so long!
Soo after I wrote the last time, we had the last week of school with a bunch of Christmas festivities which Ali was here for. We had a staff talent show type thing and the PE staff were jelly babies and we had these big stretchy bags and rolled and jumped around. I actually had it recorded on my camera and forgot to show everyone while I was home..very funny. So then Friday, the 12th we had the staff Christmas party which was fun-good food and dancing and music and lots of wine. Then Ali and I missed the bus Saturday morning from Monmouth to Newport so we took a cab and then she couldn't get on the same bus to Heathrow because she didn't have the same ticket as was just an open-return one and blah blah we had drama with that so eventually we both ended up at the Heathrow airport and took the tube to our hostel which was very interesting. Looking at the ceiling and seeing how small the room is, you just couldn't imagine how they fit all the furniture in there but it was fine. We thought we would outsmart the cleaning people by sneaking into the laundry closet and getting new sheets because we wanted to make sure they were clean and then we started taking them out and it was about 30 pillowcases...not smart. haha so then we felt like idiots because we grabbed a bag full of pillowcases from the linen closet. But it ended up being ok in the end. We did all of the touristy stuff there was to do and it was very fun. Now I am back and all by my lonesome and cannot wait to have visitors again-hurry up Mom and Dad!!
So then I got back on Tuesday and Charlie came to visit Friday-Monday:-) That was fun and it was really nice having him there and he met the family and all that good stuff. Then Monday, I went with him to Michigan to meet his family and that went very well also. I also met his high school friends..I love them all-the fam and the friends:-) Next time I'll see them will probably be the summer though but I am learning to take things day by day and not worry about the summer yet!
Then I was home for Christmas and everyone had the bug and that was fun..glad we were all in it together:-) Then that Sunday I got to go to the Ravens gameee!!! That was sooo exciting! Man I looove them!!! They are just so cool:-)
My laptop had to have the motherboard replaced which controls the whole system and all the hardware and I haven't gotten that back yet so I have watched the last 2 Ravens games in the computer lab with my jersey on and sweaty palms because I get so nervous! And I can't even celebrate with anyone..just me jumping around haha. So yeah, waiting on that and hopefully it will get here tomorrow so I can get the internet and everything sorted out with the IT guys but Lisa will probably make me watch the game in the computer lab anyway-superstitious family, I tell ya!
My last few days home I went to Denver to see Kaitlyn and Charlie and his friends/roommates and that was really fun. So weird being out there and not going back to school but just to visit. It was really good to be out there and see everyone though and I was so sad to leave obviously.
Hmm let's see what's happened since I've been here...
Well I got a bug bite that scared me because I constantly scratched it for 2 days and so it got swollen and really red and my mom scared me saying I should get it looked at. I shower with the water so hot that it leaves almost a rash looking type thing on wherever it hits so when I got out of the shower, I thought I had a rash from the bug bite and hyperventilated a little bit...I kept careful watch and the rash faded and then I remembered it was because of the water temperature. I left home sick and came here more sick (sicker?) and went to the doctor and got some antibiotics..feeling better but still tired. Getting there though. The doctor also reassured me that bugs here do not cause illnesses so that was a relief!
Went to Merlins yesterday for dish soap and everything on the back was in Welsh so I had to ask someone if what I picked out was for dishes..the first thing was for toilets. Then I found the dish soap:-) My favorite place Woolworths's like a Walgreens or Rite Aid or things like that. Rumor has it they are replacing it with Icelands which is all frozen food and if you've visited me you would know that I can fit 2 ice trays in my freezer and thats it sooo Icelands will do me no good:-(
I think that's about it right now..I am planning my February half-term break and I am going to visit one of the girls who I did Italy with in Bath and then we are going to leave Tuesday for Munich then stay there for however long and then end in Berlin and come back to London on Saturday...and we start school back up on Monday. So it's really only a week break but I had to do something or I'd go crazy here for that long by myself. Not sure what we'll do for the long April break but some girls were talking about getting a place off Portugal or Greece so we shall see. I am also in the midst of planning a curise with Christine and Lisa for the end of May:-) We're thinking the Greek Islands:-) Sooo I am very happy and trying to just keep myself busy planning things and finding things to do..spending money-ugh. I will update you as soon as something exciting happens in my Welsh life:-)


1 comment:

Lisa P said...

"So yeah, waiting on that and hopefully it will get here tomorrow so I can get the internet and everything sorted out with the IT guys but Lisa will probably make me watch the game in the computer lab anyway-superstitious family, I tell ya!"

Before I even saw where you mentioned me I was thinking. Well, she won't be able to watch the game on her sling box bc she has been watching in the computer lab. haha.