Saturday, February 7, 2009


Hello All!
Happy February! I just called Mom-Mom Marge and wished her a happy birthday-she said she would tell everyone at Sissy's tonight that her darling granddaughter called her on her birthday. I try:-)
I'm trying to think of what's happened since I last wrote. Well, I wrote a "25 Random Things About Me" on Facebook which was fun. I had a rough draft and went from there with it lol. I'm sure it's stuff that most of you already know but maybe you'll learn something new-never know:-)
A couple weekends ago, I decided that I needed to wash my kitchen and bathroom floors but didn't have any soap for it so I used Herbal Essences and my flat smelled like shampoo for awhile which was nice. I think I discovered a new invention or at least a new way of using shampoo. Went looking for deodorant last week and couldn't find it-turns out it is a spray. Surprising I know haha. I couldn't find it anywhere and then the lady took me to the section and I still couldn't find it then I saw that it was a spray. So I got Tropical Girl Power ha. So that was another interesting experience.
This week was really easy because there was snow off and on all week and lessons were cancelled and school was cancelled on Tuesday and then the rest of the week, it wasn't closed but hardly anyone was in because most people live in the Forest which is up in the hills so they couldn't get down here because it was way worse there than here. Everyone here loves snow and says they've never seen this much in their lives which is neat to experience with them. You could see people actually skiing down the hills over in the distance of the pictures I posted on Facebook. The girls were sledding as much as they could and making snowmen and snow toilets and other odd things. They call it "sledging" here which is strange but I've never heard of that. Anyways, Monmouth goes crazy when it snows. Apparently we are supposed to get more before the whole thing is over but I'm not sure if/when that will happen.
This time in one week I will be in the middle of my travels to the airport for Fuertaventura! My mom got me some guide books from and I have been looking at them for some ideas on what to do and such-very useful books! I've also been working on my resume so if any of you know anyone who's hiring, let me know and I'll send you my resume:-)
Well, I'm not really sure what else to tell you..I am sure I'll have tons of stories after my trip about traveling and then the week there at the island. Can't wait to put up pics and share my experiences with you all! If I think of anything else or if Lisa reminds me of something I forgot to include in this, I will write another one, ha.

Happy Valentine's Day:-)

Danielle xo

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