Sunday, March 1, 2009

It's March!

Lots to update you on and I will try to do it as briefly as possible because I know that I do tend to ramble.
Fuerteventura was amazing! I would definately go back to the Gran Canaria (Canary Islands) again in the future. Everything was just so beautiful and the people were friendly and there were alot of things that I would still like to do. We used it as a time to relax and just rejuvenate basically so we didn't travel around and see things. We stayed on local beaches or the pool at the resort and soaked in the rays. Everyone is still asking how I got so brown which I absolutely LOVE hearing:-) It was soo nice there and I definately needed the tan..makes me feel better!
We went to Maspalomas twice for their beach because it is the most famous and biggest tourist beach. It was so crowded-I can't imagine what it is like in the summer months. We walked in the dunes which was pretty cool and it was neat to walk through, although that was part of the nude beach. I hate nude beaches and I will never like them..I walked through with my head down and I started gagging at one point looking at the way these people all just lay there with their goods hanging out for everyone to see.
So anyways, that was that and one day when it was cloudy we decided to ride camels. That was interesting. We did it where there was a chair on either side of the camel so you just sat on the chair but they sit on their knees so they are ground level and I almost fell off when he got up. Ours was named Negro and then we had Sophia Diez and Lopa. Lopa's head was very close to my back the whole walk so that was scary but we walked all through the dunes and it was neat..not very cute creatures though. So that trip was great..very fun and loved soaking up the sun because I really missed it!
What else can I tell you about? Well I went to Ash Wednesday mass on Wednesday and my goal for Lent is to go to church every Sunday morning. I started this morning with the 930am service and it was very nice. I sat next to Judith and her daughter just started playing lacrosse at another school in town so we chatted about that and she is very excited about it. She was very nice and welcomed me into their parish..I feel so loved:-) So that is what I am aiming to do for Lent..
Thursday was Eisteddford Day which is Wales Day and it celebrates their culture and their country being the land of song and it was a very interesting day. The school is split into 4 houses with the year 7-13 in all the houses so there were competitions all day with the choirs, solo instrumentals, singing, poem readings, dances, different subject competitons, etc. So this went on all day and then at the end they announced the winners and everyone was excited and etc etc.
So that was my first and only Welsh Day but it was very interesting I must say.
The weather here has been very was actually hot today with blue skies. I learned over my holiday trip that the weather in England is not nearly as good as the weather here in Wales so I lucked out:-)
At the end of this week, we are taking the first and second senior teams to the National tournament so I will see alll the girls over here doing what I'm doing there because they will have their teams there. That will be really fun to see everyone so hopefully we can start planning our April trip. Then Monday and Tuesday we take the U15 team to their National tournament so busy busy! Monday, March 16th we have a meeting in London where they just catch up with all the girls to see how it's going and such and I am going to Bath on Sunday and staying with one of the girls there and then we are getting a ride to the meeting in London on Monday so that will be fun. Then a couple weeks after that my parents will be here which I am so excited about!
I was talking to one of the girls last night who I went to Italy with and we were discussing our tentative plans for the April break. We are thinking Berlin, Prague and then about 5 nights in Greece. No idea though because it depends on money and how many people want to go and a bunch of other things so we'll see. But that would be fun..I want to do Greece definately and I would really like to do Germany too. Alright well, this is getting long and the dinner bell's going to go off soon so I'm gonna get going.
I miss you all and I will see you in about 4 months:-)


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