Wednesday, March 25, 2009

New Beginnings

Hmmm, where to start?
Alot has happened since I last wrote! I cannot believe that it's almost April now! My parents have landed in London and are hopefully making their way here and should be here this afternoon--I cannot waaaait! I am getting so anxious and antsy to see them. They will stay in my little town of Monmouth until Saturday morning and then we are going to Bath for the day/night. We leave Sunday for Cornwall to see the fam and stay there for 2 nights I think. The rest of the time we are in London which I am very excited for because London never gets old and you never run out of things to do there:-)
My parents leave April 4th at 6am to go back to Baltimore and I leave around 4pm to go back and get into Baltimore around 930pm or so. I was going to go to Greece but the girl who I was going with decided that she was going to travel with her boyfriend instead because he is coming here to visit--lucky her.
I was going to go to Denver but that didn't work out and I have been wanting to go home so now I am! I'll be home April 4th-12th and I cannot waaaait!:-) I can't wait to see my friends and family and just be home for a week and drive! I miss Chipotle and Chick-fil-a and everything Americany so I am going to eat lots and enjoy my Mom's cooking and Easter and being with friends and family and use it as time to rejuvenate myself:-)
As many of you know, Charlie and I broke up..well actually it wasn't mutual so Charlie broke up with me. It was a week ago and I am dealing with it day by day. Distance proved to be too much for him to handle. I was willing to do anything and everything but I couldn't do it on my own and you can't do anything to fix it when one person gives up.
Anyways, I am getting there day by day because I am here and enjoying the experience and I will be just fine:-)
Last weekend I went to Cardiff with Ceri (the girl I coach lax with) and her friends for the Wales/Ireland rugby match. Apparently, it is the biggest day of the year to be in Cardiff. Streets were closed off from cars because it was flooded with people. It was such a fun experience and I'm glad that I went. It was really fun and something that I would have never known otherwise. Cardiff is very fun so hopefully I will go back at some point before coming back in July. With lacrosse being over now, I will have Saturdays free so Ceri said we could go down early one day and shop and then stay there overnight and go out because hotels are really cheap there so that'd be fun!
Lax is over...very strange because it started in September and now it's over. Our teams ended up doing well and I think that I helped...I'd like to think that at least:-) I am going to be helping with Athletics (which is like track/cross country) and Tennis in the summer term. They said the summer term flies by and is very relaxed and fun because the weather's nicer and we are outside all the time so that is nice to look forward to.
So we start back up April 20th with school and then Christine and Lisa get here May 23rd:-) I am doing just fine here and am enjoying it very much.
I'm not sure what else there is to tell you. I will write after I am back from Easter and once school starts back up again.

Miss you, Love you

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