Wednesday, September 10, 2008

beautiful day:-)

Today was was sunny, blue skies, and perfect temperature. Apparently that is how their falls usually are but this year has been different. Heard on the news that the next couple weeks are going to be rainy then we are expected to have an Indian summer with really great weather in late September and October-lucky you mom and mom mom! That would be great, huh?:-)
Latest news: Ceri dislocated her knee which is all they know right now. She has to keep it stabilized in a full leg cast for 2-3 weeks then I guess they do x-rays and all that other stuff to figure out what they are going to do surgery wise or what is needed. So, it is just me right now and there are some other PE teachers helping out but I am pretty confident handling the girls on my own now:-) Ceri will probably be back in a couple weeks in a wheelchair in order to get down the hill to practice so day by day we go..
I am not really sure what else has happened the past couple days besides that which is a pretty big deal! I am planning a trip to Italy with a couple girls in the program for the end of October/early November so I am excited about that! I will take tons of pictures obviously and update my blog on all of my adventures because there will be daily experiences that I am sure you all will love to hear..probably about traveling in general even and just getting place to place and then what happens when we get there!:-) Can't wait to update you on those things!
I think of things throughout the day that I want to put in here and then I forget when I sit down to write so I just ramble. One of the PE teachers, Sarah, used to do lax but since she isn't anymore that is why I am here. She came to help out with the years 9 and 10 today after school and was saying how they've gotten so much better in only like a week since she's seen them last. I was like thank ya thank ya:-) So that made me feel good about what I have been doing even though I don't even really feel like I have been doing anything yet. I have the seniors tomorrow so that will be a more advanced practice-still haven't decided what we will do yet. It's difficult because by the time they get dressed and out there, we only have an hour and they only get twice a week but we shall see...anyways it is almost midnight so I will wait to write again until I have something really really interesting to share:-)

Miss you all!

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