Friday, September 5, 2008

Cats and Dogs

The rain today has been miserable! It makes it soo hard to get out of bed in the morning but I cannot wait to sleep in tomorrow and go to sleep tonight without setting an alarm! Today was very very relaxed and pretty much wonderful. The PE department had the year nines for the first 2 periods and the lax girls came with me and Ceri to the indoor pool and we played games there since it was miserable outside and the girls would not have played lax out there. I had them play lax games in the pool like steal the bacon and we did relays and a couple other things. They are very good swimmers so it was easy to come up with things to do. I got some more keys today to the athletic buildings and such but have no idea what any of them go to and don't have a key ring big enough for them all yet. I am going to look like the keeper of a jail with how many keys they gave me but it makes me feel important:-) The head mistress actually lives in "the old jail house" which is it's actual name. She was joking today about how she was afraid the bank would turn her down when she gave her address to them. But she is very into having staff parties and said it is a great party house so she wants to have everyone over-not sure I can handle that..I ran today through a cemetery and have no idea why because I was looknig behind me the whole time and basically sprinted out of it. I had tea/coffee with her today because she invited all the new staff for a small get together in her study so that was nice I guess. I decided to go running outside today for a change instead of a treadmill because I feel like I am going nowhere on those things but it rained and I came back soaking wet. I had no idea how hilly it was-I almost thought I was going to need an inhaler at one point. And some of the roads do not have sidewalks so I would run extra fast on those and then be gasping for air at the end ha I saw road kill right next to the curb I was running on and screamed so that was interesting. The houses are gorgeous around here. Mom-you would looove riding your bike around this town (check your bike at the airport:-)) but yes you would love it. This was my first time running outside so I was staring at the houses in awe and they all have names which is really cool. One is called September House which I thought was pretty cool. Lucky for them it's their month! haha So anyway that is how my day has gone. Now I am on boarding house duty basically just updating my blog then dinner at 530 and then we shall see from there. I will keep you all posted on how eventful my say off is tomorrow!
oh ps-I got internet in my flat..not sure how long it will last because they have to reconfigure it eventually but I want to skype and webcam with whoever whenever I can so let me know!!:-)


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