Monday, September 8, 2008


Nothing too exciting today so this will probably be a short one..well I say that but who knows once I get started:-) Today during PE, we had the years 7 and 8 so they are about 12 and are fun to play lax with because they just love everything we do. We played relays, break out, steal the bacon, and anything else we could think of to encourage loving lax and bringing their friends along. We have new people joining everyday for each year which is neat and they actually are pretty quick learners. No rain today-it was a nice day and they said this is how their Falls usually are but now there are flood warnings for tomorrow and through the rest of the week-go figure when I'm here! Hopefully it passes with all the hurricanes whenever they leave and the nice weather will come through eventually. Saturday the Duke and Dutchess (I think that's what they are called) of Gloucester were stranded because of the road closings and floods so the helicopter landed on our lax field to pick them up and there was security everywhere blocking the roads off and such-how cool is that?
Forgot to mention their yogurt here..well, "yoghurt". I tried it and it was horrible-tasted sour and it was not even something that I would get used to the more I ate it because I won't eat it again. At dinner tonight, they had a salad with tomatoes and what looked like mozzarella so of course I was loading on both because I love it, as most of you know, and I tried the mozzarella and can't even describe what I tasted. First of all, I am not even sure if it was cheese and it was just the most bitter taste I almost spit it out. Here, it is very very rude to not eat everything on your plate (everyones plates are completely empty at the end of the meals) so I had to eat whatever the stuff was that I thought was mozzarella and it was terrible-I wouldn't breathe when I was chewing it so I couldn't taste it and swallowed most of it whole so I wouldn't have to chew it long. The food is very good here though which I was quite surprised. Most of it is like stuff at home but just called different things and I'm not very picky so it hasn't been a problem. Today though, I don't even want to know what I ate...
Lacrosse here is very different in terms of commitment and that is why Ceri was so curious about American lax because it is such a huge commitment compared to the girls here. She said she tries to make things mandatory but it is not enforced by the parents which makes it harder for her to enforce it. Today one girl was excited because she could make the game on Saturday. I was like I don't get why that's even a choice and Ceri was like I know, it is unbelievable and you don't even realize until you start to experience it. One girl couldn't come to practice today because she had band at 7 and needed to do her homework before that. Some of the seniors are missing one of their 2 practices a week after school for a 10-week cooking class of chicken cordon blue. I was like forget the class! I'll get my mom to teach you when she's here! haha. But it includes meals to take home every week and a bunch of stuff-looks pretty neat actually. But there are just so many things for these girls to do that they can't commit to just one and it is just so different from America where kids are forced at such an early age to pick one thing and play year-round and if you don't then you basically don't play in college. Very different, but they are fun and very nice-love listening to me talk which is still funny. Some of the girls say everything after I say it just to try to sound American which is funny because I try to repeat what they say to sound English haha. Anyways that is about all I have for today:-) I will let you know about the flooding tomorrow. The PE lockers already flooded this past weekend and girls had to take everything home to wash it because their lockers were full of water and got their "PE kit" wet and muddy and such. So it has been pretty crazy..well ok goodnight, bedtime for this girl!

talk soon!
ps-one of the PE teachers was saying how apparently when the cows are sitting down, that's how you know it's going to rain and I was like well I haven't seen them stand since I've been here! I thought it was funny haha...obviously they had been walking around and such but I just meant that because it's been raining so much they haven't bothered to stand up...anyways. night!

1 comment:

Lisa P said...

"encourage loving lax and bringing their friends along"

Ha Ha... you tell them.