Saturday, September 20, 2008


Not sure what the last blog was about because I cannot see them because it’s blocked on the school internet because of these crazy kids. I will just write a quick one to say hello and let you guys know what is new. Today we had the South Wales Rally and it was supposed to be at our school but the pitches (fields) were too muddy and even if they were playable we didn’t want games all day running them so we had it at Cheltenham College about 45 minutes away and a very pretty town and school. I have been taking pictures then stopped because everything is so slow here that I cannot even upload them and it is very frustrating. It was a long day but HOT AND SUNNY and yes that needs to be in capital letters. I got sunburned cheeks:-) I was so happy when I got back and saw my rosey cheeks with color from the sunlight finally. We have had days of sun but I have been in and out with different lessons in the gym and outside that I hadn’t actually gotten color yet. I definitely got some color today and it made me extremely happy. I really think weather can change a person’s mood. The girls today were talking about how rain isn’t that bad and they have gotten used to the weather here. Today they said they wouldn’t have minded if it rained a little to cool things down. I said no do not take the sun away from me! Ha but it was a very good day-all three teams we took did very well winning more than half their games so hopefully they will only get better. I had to umpire (ref) and I am still getting used to it. When the other umpire blows their whistle I stop moving because I am so trained to stand when the whistle blows and then I’m like oh right I’m not playing I can move whenever I want ha. I now look out my window when I wake up to see if the cows are standing or sitting and always smile if they are standing. I get mad if they sit later in the day, thinking that means it’s going to rain the next day but I try to just enjoy the weather when it’s good. It has been hot the past week and today was beautiful. I have a day off tomorrow with nothing to do so hopefully it’s nice out and I’ll stroll into town and just do whatever:-)
Went out again last night-that was fun. People around here just started calling me America which makes me laugh because I actually started responding to it whenever I hear it. People are starting to know now as the American. When I go to order a drink she’s like hello American! Haha and when I hand them my Maryland license at the door he just smiles because I’m the only one he’s ever had-he said he has seen California though. He goes I always forget where the birth date is on here! So yeah it was another fun night out in the little town of Monmouth:-)
Lisa’s coming to visit!!!!! My mom and grandmother are coming October 14th and then my break starts the 17th so we’re going to London on the 18th and Lisa is meeting us there and then we will explore London then Mom and MMJ leave and Lisa and I go back to Monmouth for a couple days. Then I leave on the 24th for Italy and Lisa flies home to the States. It’s funny because in Australia I wasn’t used to the coins meaning so much-I am so used to just using bills and then here it’s the same way. At the ATM last night I was talking about how I had a ton of coins and forgot them because I forgot that they are important and was going on and on and this couple was standing behind us and he goes “excuse me..are you from America or Canada?” I was like I’m from America:-) and he was like oh yeah, people visiting forget that coins are important. They definitely mean something here! Then of course they ask why I’m here, what I’m doing, etc etc. ha
Alright well this about sums up what has been going on I think. Hopefully I can update again soon! Miss you all!!


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