Wednesday, September 3, 2008

and it begins..

So school and lax started yesterday so I have been nonstop. All of the terminology is different and I am saying weird words and then I step back and go "weird." ha..I don't have an accent and won't get one obviously because you can't acquire one after a certain age but I am sure I will keep picking up on words and phrases like bril (brilliant), fab (fabulous), poss (possibly), lovely, fit as in saying someone is good looking, mad when you are saying something is crazy. I don't know- I still ask people to repeat what they say alot but that will get better I suppose. I find myself talking to myself too often because when I'm alone I just talk out loud which is weird but it's comforting ha. Everyone has been so nice letting me take my time to feel out the days and my timetable (schedule basically) and get used to everything and how it works. The boarding house staff is being really nice and giving me time to get situated with learning the ropes of the PE department and the lax teams and everything. I have not even started to try learning girls' names. It is just soo hard-there are so many! I teach lax throughout the day to different age groups and also help the other PE staff with other sports but this week we have been getting them settled with their gym lockers and everything like that. Every afternoon after lunch I teach an age group lacrosse with Ceri from about 130-4 because 130-2 is open lax time when kids can come and play so we work with them during that time everyday and then 2-4 is a different age group depending on the day. Mondays 4-30 we have years 7&8 which is 11/12 year olds, Tuesdays after school are the two senior teams (first and second), Wednesdays are the years 9&10 which are 13/14 year olds and then Thursdays are the seniors again. I have boarding house duties 615-930ish on Mondays and Tuesdays and then 4-9 on Fridays because there is no lax after school. My days are craaazy busy and it is so exhausting. My feet actually ached today ha. I went into Bristol with Ceri to the indoor shopping arena (aka: mall) and she said it is just crazy during the holidays since it's inside which I guess isn't common but I could have very well gone crazy in there. It was huge and sooo many stores! But I went in and for a sim card for a phone (which I now have!) and then we walked around and left (me being empty handed). I was very proud of myself though for not buying any clothes and I even turned down a couple purses which was very unlike me. I may go into town Saturday though since we play Sunday and I have off Saturday:-) We are playing in an 8-aside tournament Sunday leaving at 6:30am and not getting back until about 7pm. Ceri said that is one of the longest days and they aren't all like that but we have so many teams that every match day is basically a play day. Sunday we are only taking the 1st and 2nd senior teams and the U15 teams because the U14, U13, and U12 don't start games yet. I'm not sure what else there is to talk about because everything just happens so fast- not enough hours in the day! Oh! I went into town today to get some basic office supplies for my flat and a bulletin board and things like that (quite a site walking back to school carrying pens, pencils, bulletin board, milk, bananas, binder, dividers, etc.) My hands were COMPLETELY full and my hands were burning from the heavy bags but anyway..guess what I bought:-) a picture of Elvis for only £1.99! I was so happy. I went back to my flat and hung it right by my front door before I even put the milk away:-) So that made me really really happy. I set up my voice messaging system in my flat so you guys can ring me whenever and I check it everytime I go back to my flat and it says you have no new messages-kinda hurts my feelings ha. My # is: 01600711264. You can ask my mom or Lisa how to call internationally because they have both called me there. Leave me messages:-) Well that is all I can think of for now...still trying to get internet in my flat...pretty frustrating and the tech guys sigh heavily when they see me knock on their door waving because they know why I'm there haha k miss you guys!!!!
Sorry mom..too tired to proofread this one...:-)


ps-number might not work to my flat actually because Lisa said she just tried and she wasn't sure but I will let you know:-)

1 comment:

Lisa P said...

I thought I would leave a comment. To call Danielle internationally from the US you have to dial 01-144-160-071-1264...I know, it's a lot of numbers. If she doesn't answer and you want to leave a msg it will ring and then a recording of a lady with a british accent picks up. As soon as it picks up just hit 264 (Danielle's extension) and you will hear her voice message asking you to leave a msg. I do believe danielle got her first voicemail yesterday ;-)